5 Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a UX Design Agency: Visual Design Expertise
UX Design
Product Design
May 10, 2023
3 mins read
5 Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a UX Design Agency: Visual Design Expertise

5 Things To Know While Choosing a UX Design Agency

Picture this: After spending years developing a product you are all set to launch it in the market. But what should be the right strategy? Should you opt for offline marketing or elaborate your presence in the digital world.? Well, in the present scenario, where a major section of the population is internet-friendly, you cannot miss out on the customer base. So how do you reach those customers? You need a website or an application that offers a smooth user experience that could engage the audience and also result in conversion.

Studies have shown that a whopping 88% of online users abandon websites with a poor UX. That's a lot of potential customers clicking away in frustration. Here comes the role of a professional UX design agency.

So, what should be your next move? You should start the quest for the best UX design agency. They'll help you create a website or app that's not just aesthetically pleasing, but also intuitive, user-friendly, and drives results.

As the demand for UX design agencies continues to grow and with the surge of several design agencies, filtering the best option can be a daunting task. But with a clear understanding of your objectives, it becomes easier to find the right match.

The significance of UX design agencies has grown astronomically. Although there may be arguments regarding the relevance of hiring an entire team rather than a single web designer. But when it comes to providing a seamless user experience, the UX design agency takes the lead.

Their ability to understand the pain points of the end user and integrate the innovative approach to create a hassle-free interface will help in establishing your brand in the market.

In your search for a credible UX design agency, you will be bombarded with plenty of information. With so many ads running on the Internet, and UX design companies claiming to offer the best services, should you simply rely on their tall claims? No. Rather you should look for the one that is a perfect fit for your business.

This blog takes you through the tips that will help you make the right decision.

What Does a UX Design Agency Do?

A UX design agency is a company that specializes in creating user-friendly interfaces. Their work profile is not just limited to creating beautifully designed websites or applications but they also understand the user requirements and keep it as a center point while developing the website or applications. Their workflow involves:

·  User Research and Understanding:

·  Design aesthetically appealing websites or applications

·  Prototyping and User Testing

·  User Experience (UX) Strategy

·  Collaboration and Communication

To sum it up, a UX design agency helps in promoting your brand in the digital space.

Top Tips to Consider When Choosing UX Design Agency

ux design
how to choose ux design agency tips and things to know (infographic)

1. Expertise, Case Studies and Portfolio


‍ When looking for a UX design agency it is important to focus on‍ their expertise. A UX design agency confident about their work will boast about the same. They will have a detailed portfolio on their website. This is a testimony of their work and will also help you know whether or not they have worked on a similar project previously.

The most important thing to know while choosing a UX design agency is their case studies. Their case studies, portfolio, or past projects should reflect their critical problem-solving skills and not just pretty UI screens.

 It should give a detailed, step-by-step explanation of their design process including challenges that they faced and how they resolved them. While looking at the UX design company's portfolio or past projects, make sure to consider the number of projects, some of their website design inspirations, and the overall quality of each project. 

2. Find their Expertise

find epertise

It's best to find out whether the expertise of the UX design agency matches the nature of your business. This ensures that the agency can understand your industry, and target customers, and can deliver results to solve your problems.

Many agencies will claim expertise in a particular niche, but it's also vital to evaluate whether their experience aligns with your specific needs. When it comes to designing, one size fits all doesn’t work. A UX design agency should understand your requirements and then work accordingly.

A design agency that has worked in different niches will have a diversified portfolio and will be able to offer a more creative approach.

3. Look through Reviews


Look through customer testimonials and reviews on the UX design agency's website, social media pages, and third-party websites like Google reviews. You can also talk to a previous client if you know them or reach out to them on LinkedIn to understand the design process and credibility of the agency.

This can help you understand the UX design agency's strengths and weaknesses, work ethics, and reputation. Further, you can look through reviews of other UX design agencies to compare and choose an agency that aligns with your overall needs and goals.


4. Check if they do UX Research

ux reserch

User Research is an integral part of the UX design process. Thorough research of your users can give useful insights to guide design decisions. Also, it saves a considerable amount of time and money.


Against popular misconceptions, UX research can be conducted on a budget. So make sure to check if the UX design agency is not only doing UX research but valuing the insights and prioritizing it.

A professional UX design agency will always address the key touchpoints that are pivotal in creating a user-friendly and intuitive website. The simplest way to assess this is through their previous case studies or by enquiring about the process of their past projects.

Moreover, they will also ask you questions that will help them gauge your requirements and then start working on your project. The client’s perspective is the center point of any UX design agency workflow. So, check out if they are working accordingly.

5. Transparent Communication Process 


Communication is the key to a successful UX design process. To convey your business needs and get a better understanding of your users, constant communication and collaboration with the agency are essential factors.

A professional UX design agency should offer a SPOC or Single Point of Contact who will keep you posted on the status of the project. The person would be responsible for addressing the queries and ensuring timely resolution of concerns if any.

Clear communication enhances work efficiency and it also builds trust. In a business wherein you are entrusting a third party to help you build a brand in the digital world, having a clear line of communication is pivotal.

So, how do you analyze whether or not the company follows clear communication? The simplest way is to assess their turnaround time since the first time you contacted them. They should be proactive and should be willing to address all your concerns.

Also, the professional agencies have a defined protocol wherein they will ask questions to ensure that they include all the key considerations while designing the website or the app. This helps in creating a perfect replica of the business vision.

Bonus Tip: Contact and Ask Questions Directly

The requirements of UX design for your business would be different from others. The best way is to contact the UX design company and ask them questions, especially about their pricing and budget.  It is important to have a one-on-one meeting with the design agency to understand whether or not they will be able to suffice your business requirements.

Agencies will have different pricing options including hourly rates and fixed-price. You can choose any depending on your needs and the scope of the project. Also, consider any additional costs and communicate your timeline and other expectations from the project.

A professional UX design agency will first understand your project requirements, prepare a detailed report, and share the pricing beforehand. You can make a comparative analysis and then filter the best option.

Checklist of The Questions To Ask When Hiring A UX Design Agency

As much as it is significant to know the right tips that will help you find the best design agency, it is also crucial to ask the right questions. It aids the filtration process and will help you find the best agency. Here are some of the key questions that should be on your radar when looking for a UX design agency:

Understanding Your Needs

·  What are my primary goals for this UX design project? (e.g., Increase conversions, improve user engagement, simplify navigation)

·  What are the specific challenges users face with my current website/app?

·  What is my budget for this project?

·  What is my desired timeline for completion?

Evaluating Agencies: General Experience

·  Can you walk me through your typical UX design process for a project like mine?

·  How do you ensure a close collaboration with the client throughout the project?

·  What is your communication style (e.g., regular meetings, project management tools)?

·  Do you have experience working with businesses in my industry? (If applicable)

Evaluating Agencies: Team Expertise

·  How many UX designers, researchers, and interaction designers do you have on your team?

·  Can you tell me about the specific experience and qualifications of the team members who would be working on my project?

·  Does your team stay up-to-date on the latest UX design trends and methodologies?

Evaluating Agencies: Project Approach

·  How will you involve user research in the design process?

·  What methods do you use for user testing and gathering feedback?

·  How do you handle revisions and iterate on the design based on feedback?

·  How will you measure the success of the UX design (e.g., user metrics, conversion rates)?

Additional Considerations

·  Can you provide references from past clients in a similar industry?

·  What is your typical pricing structure for UX design projects?

·  Do you offer any ongoing maintenance or support services after the project is complete?

Bonus Tip

·  Come prepared to share your project brief and any relevant information about your target audience and business goals.



The impact of UX design is measurable so make sure that your UX Design agency can measure and demonstrate the ROI of their activities. Lastly, you should choose a UX design agency that can be your reliable partner and has a diverse team dedicated to solving the problems of your users and growing your business.

Choosing the right UX design agency is important as it impacts the overall digital product business. Considering the factors mentioned above, it will be easier for you to find an agency that aligns with your goals and ensures exceptional user experience.

The Alien Design is a trusted UX design agency that has been serving its clients for years now. Over the years, we have catered to a number of clients from variegated niches. We have been able to carve a niche for ourselves as a trusted UX design agency.

If you too want to become a brand with a difference, connect with us today !!!

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A solution-driven person with a keen interest in solving problems in digital products through designing. I have worked with 15+ clients in successfully delivering digital products such as Saint-Gobain, HDFC, elgi Ultra, LuLu Group, IIFL, Stockal etc.. worked in 10+ digital products across domains such as Network security, Fin-tech, E-commerce, Healthcare, Recruitment, Real estate etc.. Research, Ideation, Wireframing, Designing, Prototyping, testing and delivery are my bread and butter.

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How do I choose a UX design agency?

When choosing a UX design agency, consider their portfolio and client testimonials to assess their expertise and the quality of their work, and ensure they have experience working on projects similar to your industry or product

Why is visual design expertise an important factor in selecting a UX design agency?

Visual design expertise is crucial as it directly impacts the aesthetic appeal, branding, and user interface of your product. A skilled agency with strong visual design capabilities can create visually appealing and engaging user experiences

Is it important for the agency to have industry-specific visual design experience?

While not always necessary, industry-specific experience can be advantageous as it demonstrates the agency's familiarity with design trends, user expectations, and specific challenges within your industry, potentially leading to more effective and targeted designs.

What other factors should I consider alongside visual design expertise when choosing a UX design agency?

Alongside visual design expertise, consider factors like the agency's overall UX design process, their ability to conduct user research and usability testing, their team's skill set, and their past client experiences to ensure a comprehensive evaluation.

What factors contribute to solving user problems beyond the interface

Solving user problems requires considering factors such as usability, functionality, content, performance, accessibility, and overall user experience, in addition to the interface design.