Webflow E-commerce vs Shopify- What’s Best for You?
June 21, 2024
7 mins read
Webflow e-commerce vs Shopify - Which is better?

Webflow E-commerce vs Shopify: A Comprehensive Comparison for Your Online Store

The e-commerce industry is booming like never before! And as it grows, people  are shifting toward platforms that let them open up their online stores without  hassle. However, two industry titans come to mind when selecting the ideal  platform: Shopify and Webflow.

The well known e-commerce brand Shopify has an app store full of  functionality and an easy to use UI that comes with pre loaded templates and  third party apps to support businesses of any scale. Whereas the competitor,  Webflow, provides design flexibility by allowing users to code their website.  Which platform is the best, then? Let's compare both of them across multiple  factors which will assist you in selecting the best option for your online store.


Webflow vs Shopify
Webflow vs Shopify


Before we move ahead, let’s get to know a bit more about these two platforms.  

Shopify - Since its 2006 launch, Shopify has established itself as the preferred  platform for both beginners and experienced e-commerce users. Even for people with no or less technical experience, setting up an online store is a lot  easier thanks to their user-friendly interface. 

Shopify Dashboard
Shopify Dashboard

Webflow - In 2018, Webflow—which was first recognized for its proficiency in  web design, entered the e-commerce space. Webflow Ecommerce is a  relatively new competitor, but it has gained popularity fast thanks to its  emphasis on visual editing capabilities, design freedom, and cheaper  rates. With Webflow, you can create an entirely original web store that  flawlessly captures your brand identity, in contrast to Shopify's templated  approach which is limited. 

Webflow Dashboard
Webflow Dashboard

What sets Shopify and Webflow apart?

1. Usability 


Shopify is renowned for having a smooth user experience. Its user friendly interface simplifies the process of adding products, handling  orders, and arranging shipment, without technological expertise, even  beginners with no prior experience can start a working internet store. 


Mastering Webflow's visual editor requires dedication due to its  extensive capabilities. However, its supportive community and wealth of  educational resources can help bridge the learning gap. This steeper  learning curve might be a turnoff for some, but for those seeking  complete design control over their online store, Webflow's potential  rewards outweigh the initial challenge. 

The winner of this round is Shopify, without a doubt. Thanks to its user friendly interface. 

2. Design Freedom


Shopify offers a large collection of custom-made themes in the store for  users to copy-paste as per their needs, but customization on top of these  themes is somewhat limited. If a user wants to give the brand essence to  the overall look and feel of the website, they might need tech support to  do so. 


Webflow, on the other hand, provides its users with a variety of  customizations for their website, making sure that they can convey their  brand essence to the potential customers of a business. Thanks to its  visual editor, anyone can add things like effects, animations, layouts, and  much more without / less coding knowledge. 

Webflow Design Interface
Webflow Design Interface

The winner of this round is Webflow. It has the upper edge when it comes  to flexibility of use and enables the users with creative freedom. With it,  you are able to create beautiful websites rather than static ones, that  speak to their target audience. 

3. Inventory Management 


Shopify, a experienced within the ecommerce diversion, brags a robust  inventory management framework. This can be a boon for modern  business visionaries who may need the assets for a huge forthright stock  or a complex supply chain.

Shopify sparkles with its broad app  commercial center, consistently coordination third-party arrangements  for assignments like dropshipping and stock estimating. New commerce  proprietors can center on brand building and client securing, whereas  these promptly accessible apps inside the Shopify biological system  handle stock complexities. 

Shopify App Store
Shopify App Store


Webflow E-commerce’s inventory still provides basic functionality. While  it provides essential features like product tracking and low-stock alerts, it  currently lacks the sophisticated bells and whistles found in Shopify.  Furthermore, Webflow Ecommerce imposes product and sales caps  based on the chosen plan, which might restrict growth for businesses  with ambitious scaling plans.

Webflow lacks built-in shipping tools, requiring third-party app  integrations for shipping functionalities.

One area where Webflow Ecommerce stumbles slightly is native shipping  functionality. Unlike Shopify, which boasts built-in shipping tools,  Webflow requires the integration of third-party apps like ShipStation or  Easyship to handle shipping logistics. While these apps offer robust  functionalities, the additional integration step can add a layer of  complexity for new store owners. 

Shopify takes an easy win in this segment. It has better inventory  management as well as comes up with more payment and shipment  offers for the ease of users. 

4. Marketing Features 


Shopify comes loaded with tons of features that help new business  owners let their presence known in the market through their marketing  features and additional third party tools that can be embedded within  your Shopify account.

Furthermore, Shopify offers an extensive range of customer engagement  tools, such as the capability to generate and distribute social media  advertisements straight from the dashboard. Tools for email marketing  include Shopify email and Sendinblue (now Brevo). 


When it comes to technical SEO capabilities, Webflow is exceptional. For  enhanced search engine visibility, it provides easily customizable meta  descriptions, automated XML sitemap generation, and smooth  integration with schema.org. 

Beyond technical SEO, Webflow's design flexibility allows for the creation  of high-converting landing pages. These targeted pages are designed to  capture leads or drive specific actions, such as product purchases.  Webflow integrates analytics and A/B testing directly into the platform,  allowing you to experiment with different design elements and content  to optimize your landing pages for maximum conversion rates.

Furthermore, thorough insights into site performance are provided by  Webflow's integration with well known marketing tools like MailchimpHubspot, and Google Analytics, empowering marketers to make data driven decisions that improve their digital strategies. 

Again, we have Shopify as a clear winner. 

5. Security 


Shopify prioritizes security with PCI DSS compliance, ensuring the safe  handling of customer data. Encrypted communication through SSL  certificates further safeguards sensitive information. Additionally,  Shopify automates backups and updates, minimizing security  vulnerabilities and maintaining platform reliability. This comprehensive  approach empowers merchants to focus on their business, confident  that their online store is secure and dependable. 


Webflow complies with industry standards for security. The platform  satisfies all defense requirements to safeguard customer information, especially payment details, as evidenced by possessing the Payment Card  Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance badge.

Furthermore, SSL certificates are provided by Webflow as standard,  protecting sensitive information on their website from unwanted access.  Additionally, Webflow automates updates and backups to keep your  online store safe and current. For extra peace of mind, it is advised that  owners of online stores carry out routine manual backups. 

In terms of security, it was a close call but Webflow takes an edge over  Shopify. 

6. Pricing 


When it comes to Shopify, they offer three day free trial for everyone,  which can be extended to a month at just 1$. Apart from this, they offer  4 plans: 

• Basic (for solo entrepreneurs) starting at just 39$/mo 

• Shopify (for small teams) at 105$/mo 

• Advanced (for your business scales) at 399$/mo 

• Plus (for complex business) at 2095$/mo on a 3 year term  Every plan is billed annually and gets you 24/7 chat support. 

Shopify Pricing
Shopify Pricing


Webflow’s pricing seems a bit cheaper as compared to Shopify. But does it  provide the same value, is the question. 

 Webflow has a total of 6 value plans: 

• Free (for individuals) 

• Basic (for simple websites) at 14$/mo 

• CMs (for blogs or other content driven sites) at 23$/mo 

• Business (For larger sites/businesses) at 39$/mo 

• Entreprise, for pricing one needs to contact the Webflow team.

 As you go further the more benefit you get out of the Webflow’s pricing plan.  

Webflow Pricing
Webflow Pricing

For the pricing, I’ll consider it as a tie. Although the pricing may seem to  be cheaper for Webflow, the benefits surely don’t tell the same. 

7. Use Cases 


It is most suitable for users who: 

• Want a dedicated e-commerce platform to manage their online  store with better inventory and payment methods. 

• Have a variety of products. 

• Focusing on ease of use, rather than creative freedom. 

• Are tight on budget. 


 It is most suitable for users who: 

• Enjoy creative freedom and want to reflect their brand essence on the  website. 

• Know a bit of coding or have tech support. 

• Are managing small or medium size stores

• Want flexibility. 

Key Insights:

• Shopify offers a wide range of pre designed templates, while Webflow  allows for complete design freedom, making it a great choice for brands  that want a unique look.  

• Shopify has a more user friendly admin dashboard, making it suitable for  merchants with limited technical skills, while Webflow may require a  steeper learning curve. 

• Shopify’s checkout experience is highly optimized for conversion rates,  while Webflow allows for more customization, but may require  additional development work.  

• Shopify offers a larger selection of payment processing gateways, while  Webflow has limited options, which can be a challenge for merchants  targeting specific regions.  

• Asking clients operational and functional questions can help determine  the best platform for their specific project needs.  

• Both Shopify and Webflow have their own strengths and weaknesses,  and the choice between the two depends on factors such as design  flexibility, e-commerce features, and client preferences.  

Conclusion: Which is better for you?

Crowning a single e-commerce stage victor may be a challenge. Both Shopify  and Webflow E-commerce brag particular qualities catering to diverse needs. Design-focused businesses looking for total inventive control will discover  Webflow's visual interface a sanctuary. Make a pixel-perfect online store, an  expansion of your brand, but be arranged for a more extreme learning bend.

Shopify rules are preeminent in ease of utilization. Dispatch a professional looking store rapidly with pre-designed topics. This effortlessness is perfect for  apprentices or those with constrained item lines. Broad plan customization, be  that as it may, might require extra coding or app integration.

Stock administration uncovers another vital thought. Shopify offers a vigorous  framework that consistently coordinates with an endless app biological system,  culminating for unused businesses looking for operational straightforwardness.  Webflow as of now offers a more essential set of stock administration  highlights, in spite of the fact that it exceeds expectations in center  functionalities.

The showcasing field exhibits differentiating qualities. Shopify enables  tenderfoots with built-in promoting computerization highlights, whereas  Webflow exceeds expectations in SEO, guaranteeing your store positions are  higher in look comes about. Both coordinated with well known promoting  apparatuses for a customized methodology.

The perfect stage pivots on your needs. Pine for plan control and design  freedom? Select Webflow. Prioritize ease of utilization? Opt for Shopify.  Eventually, the finest stage engages you to construct and oversee your online  store productively. Investigate free trials advertised by both to find your e commerce winner. The use case may change as per your business needs, and as  business needs changes so will your tools.

Building Alien and helping startups and enterprises with Branding, Websites, Mobile & Web Apps. Alien crew deployed 20+ Projects across industries in the last two and half years: - Banking - Financal services - Ecommerce - Healthcare - Edutech - Enterprise softwares

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