Best Practices For Creating B2B Websites In 2024
Website Design
Product Design
April 17, 2024
5 mins read
Best practices for creating B2B websites

Best practices for creating B2B websites

b2b website design prctices
B2B website design practices

“Design is the silent ambassador of your brand.” - Paul Rand

This quote clearly highlights the growing significance of a good website design. A website is not just about presenting the brand and selling the services. Rather, it is a storefront that creates a positive first impression on potential customers.


In the competitive world of B2B sales, first impressions are everything. Following best practices for creating B2B website design is the first step to captivate the customers.


When it comes to website design, it has the initial touchpoint for potential clients. Studies show that a whopping 94% of first impressions are based on design, and B2B buyers are no exception.


By following best practices for creating B2B website design, you can ensure your silent ambassador is not only speaking volumes about your brand's professionalism and credibility but also effectively converting visitors into leads.


In 2022, the digital platform gained massive acceptance and became the most effective bit of a sales channel. The average B2B buyer in today’s scenario mostly relies on doing the basic research themselves rather than depending on sales calls or in-person visits.


Hence, having an impeccable digital presence has become the need of the hour for B2B companies. A professionally designed B2B website not only instantly garners attention but also ensures better conversion rates. 


What the User Wants From Your Website?

If you are running a B2B business in 2024 and you are still contemplating whether or not to have a B2B website, it is high time that you reconsider your thoughts. There are several factors that come together to create a highly effective B2B website. It includes parameters like high-quality visuals, engaging content, interactive icons, effective CTA, testimonials, and others.


Moreover, a professional B2B website designing platform like Webflow, simplifies the website designing process. It encompasses all the best practices for creating B2B website like SEO optimization, CMS, A/B testing and others that ensures enhanced user experience. However, before you dive into creating a website design, knowing what the visitor wants is paramount.


User need analysis is critical before creating any website. The ultimate objective of a website is to engage the audience and generate conversion. As soon as the visitor lands on your website, it takes 1/10th of a second for them to start forming opinions on whether or not your platform will be able to suffice their requirements.


Hence, as a smart B2B service provider, your focus should be on creating a website that instantly creates a connection with the visitor and establishes trustworthiness. Clean design, engaging content, and visually appealing images help build a brand.


The user is on your platform to find answers to some of the key questions like:

  • What services are you offering?
  • How is your brand different from its contemporaries?
  • How much do they have to pay for a service?
  • Who are the other users trusting your services?
  • Is the website easy to navigate?
8 Questions every website visitors ask
8 Questions every website visitors ask


Why Website Design Matters: The Impact on Users and Business

Why Website Design Matters
Why Website Design Matters

Source: Image


The above questions are common and need the right answer. Your website can be a key to it. In the digital landscape, where you can find a number of online platforms claiming to offer the best services. It becomes important to differentiate your brand from the others. This helps create top-of-the-mind recall that eventually results in conversion.

A well-designed website plays a pivotal role in attracting visitors and building trust. Conversely, a poorly designed website can turn visitors away and damage your brand reputation.

Here's a breakdown of why website design is so important:

First Impressions Matter

The first parameter to take into account while creating a website, is the impression that it creates in the eyes of the visitor. Studies have shown that visual appeal even beats usability

This means that the website has only a few seconds to create an impact on the mind of the visitor. A clean, professional, and user-friendly website creates a sense of trust and credibility.

User Experience (UX) Drives Engagement

The next significant parameter is the user experience. A website design is not limited to aesthetics; it also covers a positive user experience. This means that the website is easy to navigate and has all the information clearly displayed to the user. 

This triggers an instant click on CTA that results in conversion. Studies have shown that 53% of mobile website users bounce from the website if the loading time is more than 3 seconds. It highlights the importance of fast loading times and mobile responsiveness. 

A seamless UX keeps visitors engaged and encourages them to explore your website further.

Website Design Impacts SEO

Website design also has a crucial role to play in improving the website ranking and impacts the search engine results. Google considers aspects like mobile friendliness, speed, and user experience when ranking the website. 

A well-structured and well-designed website focuses on SEO best practices, making it appear higher in the search ranking. Thus, it increases organic traffic.

Builds Brand Identity

The ultimate goal of any business owner is to create a good brand rapport. From generating brand awareness to establishing brand identity, the website plays a crucial role in this. 

A good website design is an embodiment of the brand's vision and ideology. A cohesive and professional design reinforces your brand message and values impact fully, creating a stronger connection with the target audience.

Boosts Conversions

Eventually, it all boils down to conversion rate. A well-designed website with a clear CTA placed strategically will improve the conversion rate. It motivates the customer to take the next step, which is maximizing the return on investment from your website.

What is B2B website design?

B2B website design
B2B website design

Source: Image


B2B web design is a practice of creating websites for your company. It focuses on targeting the elements that the user will see you when they land on the page. It focuses more on the visual aspects.


There are several factors that play a crucial role in creating an impactful website design, the key elements of a perfect B2B website design includes:

  • Font style
  • Color scheme
  • Page structure
  • Load times


Optimising the various components of the website design will make it more user-friendly and will engage them for a longer duration.


B2B Website Design Best Practices

Website Design Best Practices
Website Design Best Practices

Source: Image


Whether you are providing technical solutions, selling services, or platforms for software as a service, a well-designed website is crucial to garner the attention of the target customer and converting them into users. Here are certain rules that you need to follow that will make your B2B website design outstanding.


1. Focus on Customer First- Not Just Boast About Your Brand

What are the common mistake most companies make while designing a B2B website is to focus more on promoting their services and features rather than what the customer actually wants.


As we mentioned above, it takes just 1/10 of a second for a customer to form an opinion about the website. Hence, the primary focus should be to purposefully design the website in a way that conveys the benefits they will get once they avail the services.

The Alien Design
The Alien Design

Example: The Alien Design - The platform offers UX design services and also highlights the key services that will help the business grow.


2. Content is King (and Queen): Educate and Engage

We cannot deny the fact that content is the king. Eventually, it will help in creating an impact on the customer and will become the backbone of any successful B2B website. Studies have shown that 62% of B2B decision-makers rely on practical content to guide their buying decisions.

The content here is not just limited to product descriptions. It should showcase your expertise. For this, the focus should be on creating informative blog posts, white papers, and case studies, as well as hosting webinars that can be interactive sessions to educate potential clients and answer questions directly. 

This establishes a direct connection with the customer that is helping in building the brand's reputation and trust.


Example: Salesforce  – It is a popular CRM software platform. Their website boasts enriched content, helping potential clients understand how Salesforce can help them address their concerns.


3. Prioritize User Experience (UX)

Would you spend time on a website that is cluttered and poorly organized? Certainly not. The same holds true for B2B decision-makers. Ensure a seamless user experience (UX) by prioritizing.

How do you create a seamless user navigation.? Follow the simple rule of establishing a clean website that offers easy transition and navigation. A robust search bar that encourages visitors to find specific information related to a particular product or service. Lastly, faster loading time. The website should not take more than 3 seconds to load.


Example: Mailchimp -It offers a user-friendly platform and clearly displays all the information. With concise navigation, it becomes easier to access the necessary services.

4. Embrace Responsive Design

The mobile-first approach should be the key focus of every B2B service provider. With more than 6 billion smartphone users globally, companies cannot leave this customer base behind. 54% of all web traffic globally now comes from mobile devices.

A responsive website can help in enhancing the user experience, as the website opens smoothly across different screens. However, search engines like Google prioritize mobile-friendly websites in search results.


Example: Dropbox – The website is easy to use on mobile devices and thus offers an optimal experience for desktop, tablet, and mobile users.

5. Craft Compelling Calls to Action (CTAs)

Your website should have a compelling call to action. Strategically distributing the CTA icons across the website will help motivate the users and direct them to click on them.


Playing with the colors can also be pivotal in driving the user to click on the CTA button. Using contrasting colors and buttons will grab the user's attention. Instead of using generic terms like learn more or know more, you can add phrases like download or free guide to boost your sales.


Example: Webflow - The dark theme of the website portrays it differently. Moreover, you can find these action CTA buttons in blue on the website. It understands the importance of clear CTAs. Their homepage features a prominent button that encourages visitors to " Get Started-It’s Free," making it easy for potential customers to take the next step.

6. Security matters

As the world is slowly shifting towards digitization, ensuring safe and secure digital navigation has become mandatory. Installing an SSL certificate that encrypts the data transmission between your website and the user's browser ensures the protection of sensitive and confidential information.

Moreover, choosing a reputable web hosting provider that focuses on security measures matters the most. By prioritizing website security, you demonstrate your commitment to protecting user privacy and information.

Closing Remarks


A well-designed B2B website is a convergent powerhouse. It attracts potential customers and engages them, which results in conversion. Make sure your website is making a positive and impactful statement – one that converts visitors into customers.


Following the tips mentioned above will help you create the best website design that not only excels aesthetically but also showcases technical prowess. A powerful amalgamation of both these aspects is essential for a B2B website's success on the search engine.

Read more:

How to Build a Website with Webflow in Less Than 3 Hours

How To Create An Effective Webflow Landing Page

Currently documenting the journey of building a Product | Co-founder at Alien. I am passionate about the creative field, which led me to initiate my journey into business with a focus on digital products. Beyond my professional pursuits, I find solace in traveling and taking breaks from city life, often indulging in trekking adventures.

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